1. Cerebrovascular Disease: Types, Causes & Symptoms
Cerebrovascular diseases include conditions, such as stroke, that impact blood flow to your brain. They require prompt treatment, including medications and ...
Cerebrovascular diseases include conditions, such as stroke, that impact blood flow to your brain. They require prompt treatment, including medications and surgery.
2. How to pronounce cyroaudiovascularmalexia
How to say cyroaudiovascularmalexia in English? Pronunciation of cyroaudiovascularmalexia with 2 audio pronunciations and more for cyroaudiovascularmalexia.
3. Cyroaudiovascularmalexia tshirt - Urban Dictionary Store
terminal disease that restricts blood flow to the ears. To treat it you need something warm, soft, and preferably gentle, to get the blood flowing to your ...
Urban Dictionary tshirt with the word 'Cyroaudiovascularmalexia'
4. 10 Medical Conditions That Sound Fake but Are Actually Real
12 jul 2016 · People who have the rare skin disease called Werewolf syndrome have some features that may resemble those of the mythical creatures for which the condition is ...
These medical conditions are real: from the Capgras delusion (where everyone seems like an impostor) to Alien Hand syndrome (just like Dr. Strangelove).
5. Cyroaudiovascularmalexia - Urban Dictionary
Terminal disease that restricts blood flow to the ears. If untreated, your ears will fall off and the disease will eventually spread to the brain resulting ...
Terminal disease that restricts blood flow to the ears. If untreated, your ears will fall off and the disease will eventually spread to the brain resulting in death. The only treatment is to warm up your ears by using the inner thighs of a preferably pretty female. The easiest way is to allow the female to sit on your face so the warmest part of her body will be warming your ears up to avoid death. You need to stay in that position constantly.
6. Guillain-Barrén oireyhtymä - Neuroliitto
ICD–10-luokitusnumero: G61.0, ORPHA: 98916, OMIM: 139393; Muut sairaudesta käytetyt nimet: GBO; GBS; polyradikuliitti; monihermojuuritulehdus ...
Guillain-Barrén oireyhtymä (GBO) on hermojuuren tulehdus, jossa tapahtuu elimistön puolustusmekanismin ohjautuminen omia kudoksia (hermoratoja) vastaan. Alkuun oireisto etenee, vakaan vaiheen jälkeen alkaa kuukausia tai vuosia kestävä toipuminen. Vuosittain opimme lisää sairauden hoidosta. Valtaosa
See AlsoMclaren F1 Car Wiki
7. Cyroaudiovascularmalexia mug - Urban Dictionary Store
Terminal disease that restricts blood flow to the ears. If untreated, your ears will fall off and the disease will eventually spread to the brain resulting in ...
Urban Dictionary mug with the word 'Cyroaudiovascularmalexia'
8. please help | Fandom - Blox Fruits Wiki
I was recently diagnosed with a terminal disease called Cyroaudiovascularmalexia. Google it if you want. Essentially, I don't get enough blood flow to my ears.
This may sound like I'm fucking with you but I'm…
9. Is there really a disease called cyroaudiovascularmalexia?
17 okt 2019 · There is no actual disease like this. Although in urban slang it refers to a terminal illness which if left untreated will cut off the blood supply to your ...
Is there really a disease called cyroaudiovascularmalexia ? There is no actual disease like this. Although in urban slang it refers to a terminal illness which if left untreated will cut off the blood supply to your ears eventually causing them to fall off
10. I suffer from cyroaudiovascularmalexia I don't get blood flow to my ears ...
Someone from Albuquerque, New Mexico, US posted a whisper, which reads "I suffer from cyroaudiovascularmalexia I don't get blood flow to my ears.
Someone from Albuquerque, New Mexico, US posted a whisper, which reads "I suffer from cyroaudiovascularmalexia I don't get blood flow to my ears. They will freeze and fall off. There's one treatment. The warm skin of a woman's inner thighs. Help me?"
11. Pay attention to detail - FunSubstance
... cyroaudiovascularmalexia. Basically if I don't get enough blood flow to my ears they will slowly freeze and will fall off, and it will spread to my inner
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12. Bejelentkezés - Szív Szótára - kardiológiai szakkifejezések magyarul
Kifejezés, Jelentése. NSTEMI, Nem ST elevációs miokardiális infarktus. Olyan heveny koszorúér keringési zavar, ún. akut koronária szindróma (ACS), ...
Magyarra fordított idegen eredetû kardiológiai szakkifejezések jelentése betûrendi sorrendben, folyamatosan bõvítve